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How to show WooCommerce products in your Activechat chatbot

Your chatbot is a great way to generate extra sales for your eCommerce store. And with ActiveChat is extremely simple to connect your WooCommerce webshop with your chatbot.

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to show your WooCommerce products in an ActiveChat chatbot.

Connect WooCommerce to ActiveChat

First, we need to connect WooCommerce to Activechat, so we can use the products from WooCommerce.

Make sure your WooCommerce store has everything in place:

  1. Your website should have a secure connection protocol (HTTPS).
  2. Smart permalinks should be enabled in WordPress settings. Go to Settings → Permalinks in your WordPress admin panel.
  3. Legacy REST API access should be enabled in the WooCommerce settings. Go to WooCommerce → Advanced → Legacy API and check that setting:
Enabling the legacy REST API

Once this is in place, go over to ActiveChat and log in.

Open Settings → Integrations in the main chatbot menu on the left and click on the gear icon in the WooCommerce tile. Then fill in the URL of your store and click on “Connect”:

Connecting WooCommerce to ActiveChat

Now, fill in your username and password:

Logging into WooCommerce

Then, there comes a window that will ask for permission to access your WooCommerce store by ActiveChat. Click on “Approve”:

Granting ActiveChat the necessary permissions

Once you have approved, you will be taken back to ActiveChat and the integration settings will display all the products, categories, and variations of your WooCommerce store:

WooCommerce store data in ActiveChat

Show all categories in your chatbot

We have connected our WooCommerce store to ActiveChat. So, now it’s time to create the actual chatbot and show the different categories.

Important: Make sure that your WooCommerce categories have their own images because these will be used in the chatbot. If you didn’t set them yet, go to Products → Choose a category → Add thumbnail.

First, I will make a Welcome message, which has a greeting message and a button to go to our categories skill:

Welcome message in the Visual Builder

Which looks like this on the front-end:

Example of the Welcome message in Facebook Messenger

So, in our “woo_categories” skill (which shows all the categories of your store) we need to add an element after the catch event. You can do this by dragging a line from the Catch event to somewhere in the editor and then click on Blocks → eCommerce → Category:

Adding a new Category block in the “woo_categories” skill

This should look like this now:

The Category block in the “woo_categories” skill

Now, click on the WooCategory block and use the following settings:

  • Single/Multiple = Multiple
  • Category = 0
  • Exclude = 15
The Category block settings

There are also other settings, but you can just leave those ones out because we are not using them right now.

What this block does, is that it grabs all the categories of your WooCommerce store, except for the category with the ID 15. The reason why I leave that category out is that it is the standard Uncategorized category, and I don’t want that to show it in my chatbot.

But the ID 15 is only applicable to my category, so how do you find the ID of your Uncategorized category?

Go to Settings → Integrations and click on the gear icon again in the WooCommerce tile:

Opening WooCommerce settings

Then an overview of your WooCommerce categories comes up. Search here for your Uncategorized category and look up the ID:

The ID of the Uncategorized category

You need to use that number in the Exclude setting of your WooCategory block.

Okay, now we get back to our chatbot flow. 

Next, go back to your WooCategory block. Click on it and scroll down, hover over the + icon and click on the square icon:

Adding a new button to the Category block

Now, fill in “Show products” as button name, so it looks like this:

Example of the Show products button in the Category block

Then, hit “Run” on the top-right corner to update your chatbot. Now your chatbot shows all the categories of your WooCommerce store, like this:

Example of the product categories in Facebook Messenger

Show products per category

But, we also want to show the products per category, right? 

Okay, let’s do that!

Drag an arrow from the Show products button in your WooCategory block to somewhere in the editor and then click on Blocks → eCommerce → Product:

Adding a new Product block in the “woo_categories” skill

Then, use the following settings:

  • Single/Multiple = Multiple
  • Category = $_selected_category_id

For the rest, you can use the default settings.

The Product block settings

What this block does, is that it shows all the products from the category you just selected.

Now, scroll down and hover over the + icon and click on the square icon:

Adding a new button to the Product block

Now, fill in “More information” as button name, so it looks like this:

Example of the More information button in the Product block

Now, we show all the products of a category in our chatbot:

Example of the product menu in Facebook Messenger

Show individual products

The last thing we need to do is to show the individual products. 

So, we need to draw an error from the button “More information” of the WooProduct block to somewhere else in the editor and click on “Send to new skill”:

Readdressing to a new skill

Give the Skill title “woo_single_product” and click on “Create skill”:

Creating a new “woo_single_product” skill

Then, draw an error from the Catch block to somewhere else in the editor and click on Blocks → Talk → Image:

Adding a new Image block to the “woo_single_product” skill

Use $_selected_product_image as Image URL in the Image block:

Image block settings

So now we show the image of the product. But adding some text is also nice.

Thus, connect the Image Block with a text Block by adding an arrow:

Adding a new Text block to the “woo_single_product” skill

As text we use:

“$_selected_product_title is an excellent product.

Price: $_selected_product_price”:

Text block settings

This text blocks shows the name of the product and the price. But, that’s not all! We also need to give the user a description of the product, so another Text block:

Adding another Text block to the “woo_single_product” skill

You can show the description by using $_selected_product_description in a Text block:

Text block settings

At last, we also want to let them go to the webshop. So, we can do that by adding a button. Hover over the + icon and then click on the Share icon:

Adding a URL button to the Text block

Then, add “Go to product” as Name of the button and “$_selected_product_url” as URL:

Example of the URL button in the Text block

So it looks like this:

Example of the product description in Facebook Messenger

And when you click on the button, the user goes to your webshop:

WooCommerce store product page